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Explanation of Bent's Rule [duplicate]

Why does the %s character increase on the orbital with electropositive atom? I do not seem to properly grasp this concept. Is this rule based on observation or is there any proof to it? If there is a ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Why does F replace the axial bond in PCl5?

Why does $\ce{F}$ replace an axial bond in $\ce{PCl5}$? I realize that it would be more stable there than at equatorial bond, but what is the reason of its stability? Similarly in $\ce{AB4}$ type of ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Why is the bond angle H-P-H smaller than H-N-H?

$\ce{N}$ & $\ce{P}$ are in the same group. Both $\ce{NH3}$ and $\ce{PH3}$ have one lone pair and according to VSEPR theory, both the central atoms are predicted to be $\ce{sp^3}$ hybridized. But ...
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47 votes
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Are the lone pairs in water equivalent?

I've read that the oxygen atom in water is $\mathrm{sp^2}$ hybridized, such that one of the oxygen lone pairs should be in an $\mathrm{sp^2}$ orbital and the other should be in a pure p atomic orbital....
jheindel's user avatar
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What is Y-aromaticity? Is the trinitromethanide anion aromatic?

The wikipedia article on trinitromethane claims that: There is some evidence that the anion (which obeys the $4n+2$ Hückel rule) is aromatic. Unfortunately the citation is behind a paywall so I ...
bon's user avatar
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Why does NF3 have a smaller bond angle than NH3?

I've already read many answers about the reason why $\ce{NF3}$ has a smaller bond angle than $\ce{NH3}$ , but I can't seem to understand them. Here's my understanding of the situation: $\ce{NH3}$: ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
22 votes
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What is the favoured geometry of chlorine trifluoride?

Why is the first structure on the left more stable than the second one on the right? In the first one the angle between the two pair of nonbonding electrons is about 120° which is a lot less than ...
Abhirikshma's user avatar
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Which is more stable? A phenyl carbanion or a disubstituted vinylic carbanion?

I came across a question which asks to work out the stability order for the following species- b. c. $\ce{R2C=CH-}$ Can the lone pair on phenyl carbanion participate in resonance? If yes, then how?...
Dhruba Banerjee's user avatar
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Are carbocations necessarily sp2 hybridized and trigonal planar?

My copy of Pearson's Organic Chemistry (7e), Morrison and Boyd, under the section "Reaction intermediates", accords a succinct description on the structure of carbocations: The central $C$-atom (of ...
paracetamol's user avatar
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What is the hybridization of the carbonyl oxygen in a carboxylic acid?

My professor sent out a review guide. One of the questions on this guide is The carboxylic acid carbonyl oxygen is: 1. $\ce{sp^2}$ 2. $\ce{sp^3}$ 3. $\ce{H}$-bond donor 4. rapidly ...
user15750's user avatar
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Why the bond angle of PH3 is lesser that that of PF3?

We can explain why the bond angle of $\ce{NF3}$ (102°29') is lesser than $\ce{NH3}$ (107°48') by the VSEPR theory, since lone pair lone pair repulsion is greater than lone pair bond pair repulsion. ...
Aneek's user avatar
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Why does SO2 have a larger bond angle than H2O, H2S, and NH3

So we have to find which of the follwing compounds has the smallest bond angle: $\ce{H2O}$, $\ce{H2S}$, $\ce{NH3}$, $\ce{SO2}$. So L $\propto \frac{1}{BA}$ where $L$ is the number of lone pairs and $...
Abhishek Mhatre's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is the H−C−H bond angle in сhloromethane larger than 109.5°?

Symmetrical tetrahedral molecules (like $\ce{CH4}$) have a bond angle of $109.5$. Those with lone pairs in place of one atom (like $\ce{NH3}$) have bond angles less than $109.5$. The standard ...
dpdt's user avatar
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why do electron pairs not take axial positions in the VSEPR structure of ClF3? [duplicate]

when we make a Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory based structure for an molecule after calculating its hybridisation ; when we have to decide the positions of the ions we put them in such ...
Ishita Gupta's user avatar
13 votes
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Explanation of bond angles in the aluminium chloride dimer

In order to attain stability $\ce{AlCl3}$ dimerises to $\ce{Al2Cl6}$ whose structure is depicted as: I want to understand why one of the bond angles is $79^\circ$ and the other $118^\circ$. Is it ...
Archer's user avatar
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Comparison of C-Cl bond length in CH3Cl and CF3Cl

How can one compare the $\ce{C-Cl}$ bond lengths in chloromethane ($\ce{CH3Cl}$) and chlorotrifluoromethane ($\ce{CF3Cl}$)? Bent's rule is also consistent with Gillespie's VSEPR model, and may ...
Satvik Popli's user avatar
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Comparing bond angles in carbonyl dichloride and carbonyl dibromide

Background I was studying VSEPR and hybridization theory and one of the popular questions in many textbooks was comparison of bond angle of $\ce{NH3}$, $\ce{NF3}$ and $\ce{NCl3}$. $\ce{NF3}$ had ...
Manit Agarwal's user avatar
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Which species occupy the equatorial positions in VSEPR's trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral geometry

Which species (electronegative, double and triple bonded atoms, ions, lone pair etc.) occupy the equitorial position in the trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral geometry when we find the shape using ...
dark32's user avatar
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Is hybridization of the cyclopropyl anion sp5?

I have read some answers about the $\mathrm{sp^5}$ hybridisation of carbon atoms in the $\ce{C-C}$ bond in cyclopropane as well as the $\sigma$-bond resonance in methylcyclopropyl cation. Overall, the ...
Solid - NMR's user avatar
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How is Bent's rule consistent with LCAO MO theory?

Bent's Rule states that $s$ orbitals on a central atom participate contribute more to molecular orbitals directed towards more electropositive ligands. (For a longer explanation, see this question and ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Bond angle in water vs in oxygen difluoride [duplicate]

My teacher taught that bond angle $\ce{H-O-H}$ is larger than $\ce{F-O-F}$ due to less repulsion in the latter's bond pairs. I know that bond angle $\ce{H-O-H}$ is $104.5^\circ$, but I'm confused with ...
Love Invariants's user avatar
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Why is the carbon-carbon bond in hexachloroethane shorter than in ethane? [closed]

How can we explain the shorter carbon-carbon bond length in $\ce{(CCl3)2}$ ($1.49 \,\mathrm{\mathring{A}}$) than that of $\ce{(CH3)2}$ ($1.534 \,\mathrm{\mathring{A}}$)?
Che Mistry's user avatar
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Geometries of methyl and silyl radicals

The $\ce{.CH3}$ radical is planar but the $\ce{.SiH3}$ radical is a trigonal pyramid. Why are they different? After all, $\ce{C}$ and $\ce{Si}$ are in the same group.
Peter's user avatar
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Application of the electronegativity effect on bond angles

There's a rule in determining molecular geometry that says that if the electronegativity of the central atom increases, the bond angle of the molecule increases. Is this is only applicable in the ...
harry's user avatar
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Bond angle about oxygen in alcohol [closed]

What should be the C-O-H bond angle in an alcohol be, would it be greater or smaller than 109°28’? According to me, the angle should be greater since the steric factor of R will overcome the lone pair-...
Aaradhya Verma's user avatar
4 votes
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Are the p orbitals of the biradical dioxo compound in the HOMO perpendicular to the plane?

I tried to draw the frontier molecular orbitals of the following biradical structure: (A) At the top I've drawn the HOMO and LUMO, because I know that the reaction coordinate belongs to the $\ce{C_{$...
laminin's user avatar
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Dichlorine monoxide molecular geometry

I need to predict the geometry of Dichlorine monoxide, using the main link theory: Lewis model, VSEPR and hybridization of molecular orbitals. First, the Lewis structure is a graphical representation ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Under what circumstances can the stereochemistry at nitrogen atom be faithfully retained and identified?

Under what circumstances can the stereochemistry at nitrogen atom be faithfully retained and identified? Because in most cases nitrogen atoms tend to undergo stereorandomisation by flipping due to ...
DHYEY's user avatar
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Effect of Electronegativity on Bond Angles in NH3 and NF3 [duplicate]

I am reading a book: Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D.Lee (Fifth Edition) In the chapter-The Covalent Bond, the author says: $\ce{NF3}$ and $\ce{NH3}$ both have structures based on a tetrahedron ...
Parth Chauhan's user avatar
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Variation of angle in GeX2 molecules where X is an halogen

I'm wondering what is the exact reasoning to explain why in $\ce{GeX_2}$ the angle $\widehat{XGeX}$ is smaller when $\ce{X}=\ce{F}$ than when $\ce{X}=\ce{I}$. I ask this question because I had an ...
ParaH2's user avatar
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How do orbitals overlap in difluorosilane? [closed]

In $\ce{SiH2F2}$ four orbitals of silicon $(\mathrm{3s},$ $\mathrm{3p}_x,$ $\mathrm{3p}_y,$ $\mathrm{3p}_z)$ overlap with two hydrogen $(\mathrm{1s})$ and two fluorine $(\mathrm{2p}).$ I want to know ...
Private5661's user avatar