I am new in computational chemistry. I'm studying the Hartree–Fock–Roothaan (HFR) method and have some of questions about the HFR basis function coefficients.
- Do we have the condition on HFR coefficients like in the Hückel method?
In the Hückel method, we have a normalization condition on the coefficients $\{c_i\}$:
$$c_1^2 + c_2^2 + \dots + c_i^2 = 1 \tag{1}\label{1}$$
In the HF literature I didn't see that condition, so my guess is that we don't have it.
- Do we have similar to Hückel method condition on HFR coefficients of bf?
I'm wondering because going deeper in understanding HF I find out that we have certain conditions that looks like $\eqref{1}$. For example, a normalization condition for the Gaussian primitives that are not normalized:
$$ S = \left< \Phi_{\textrm{1s}}^{\text{STO-3G}} | \Phi_{\textrm{1s}}^{\text{STO-3G}} \right> = 1 $$ $$ \Phi_{\textrm{1s}}^{\text{STO-3G}} = N_1C_1e^{-a_1r^2} + N_2C_2e^{-a_3r^2} + N_3C_3e^{-a_3r^2} $$
This is not the same as $\eqref{1}$ but we can represent it as
$$f_1(c_1^2) + f_2(c_2^2) + \dots + f_i(c_i^2) = 1 \tag{2}\label{2}$$
Because HF is more complex than Hückel, $\eqref{2}$ can make a sense. So can I think about $\eqref{2}$ as complex version of $\eqref{1}$? I was hoping to find $\eqref{2}$ or similar equation in HF literature intro part, but those sources that I have do not mention $\eqref{2}$ in intro part. Maybe my attention was scattered or it is just a mess in my head, anyway I will be grateful for any help.
- What are the conditions imposed on the coefficients of the basis functions that use in the calculation of the HFR equations?
For example, the electronic charge distribution is
$$ \sum_{mn} P_{mn}S_{mn} = N =\sum_{mn} 2\sum_{a}^{N/2} c_{ma}c_{na}^*\int{f_m(r)f_n^*(r)\mathop{dr}}, $$
$$ S_{mn} =\int{f_m(r)f_n^*(r)\mathop{dr}} = \delta_{mn}, $$
and N is the total number of electrons. Can we consider this as a condition?