Fenton reaction was supposedly discovered by Fenton as Tartaric Acid oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous cation in 1894. Research Paper link.
I have worked on this reaction for years, not an exaggeration. Whenever I mixed $\ce{H2O2}$ with $\ce{Fe^2+}$ solution, or directly solid ferrous sulphate hepta hydrate, I instantaneously got a dark beer-like color, and a vigorously reacting mixture without adjusting $\mathrm{pH}$. $\pu{10 ml}$ of 35% $\ce{H2O2}$ and $\pu{150 mg}$ of $\ce{Fe2SO4.7H2O}$ is mostly what I used. This much peroxide generally defined the reaction as Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide Propagations by RJ Watts group. When mixing with 1g soil in first 12 seconds temperature escalated to $\pu{84^\circ C}$, then slowly calmed. Overall bubbling ceased in 60 seconds, what kind of soil did not make any difference. And for $\mathrm{pH}$ measurement, it is very problematic for many reasons so I simply could not get any meaningful results. This just increased my curiosity.
There are experimental and computational studies over its mechanism of reactive oxygen species generation and organic matter degradation. The second one is a bit easier since somehow catching the end products gives the idea, especially with spin trap compounds.
I have lost all of references so I can only give the categories I have encountered.
Majority went for radical species mechanisms and chain reaction, involving hydroxyl, perhydroxyl, superoxide radicals and uses as a base Haber & Weiss,
Haber, F. & Weiss, J. J. (1934) Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 147, 332-351.
Yet these reactions are inherently fast, they are just proposed mechanisms.There is a considerable number of people stand for ferryl ion pathway, which mostly does not involve radicals but unstable iron (IV) oxidation state compound.
Usually computational studies propose this idea, as hydroxyl radicals lifetime is very short for making it as an efficient reactant.
The reaction of Fenton I am asking is reaction between aqueous hydrogen peroxide and $\ce{Fe^2+}$ ion without any ligand other than water. If it does not help for explanation you may very well ignore more than 30 variations like sonofenton.