I am trying to make a new force field in AMBER for a novel compound including boron (which does not exist in GAFF). For this, I calculated freq and I found bond force constants but I couldn't find force constants for angles.
For example I tested $\ce{H2O}$: I calculated $\ce{H2O}$ frequencies in Gaussian and I got force constants from the log file. In the log file, the $\ce{O-H}$ stretching force constant was $\pu{9.1465 mDyne/\require{mediawiki-texvc}\AA{}}$ and I converted this to approximately $\pu{1315.65 kcal mol^{-1} \AA{}^{-2}}$. In AMBER, $v = 0.5k(l-l_{o})$, so I multiplied this by 0.5 and I found
ow-hw 657.825
which is very close to the GAFF2 forcefield:
ow-hw 612.98
which can be found on line 87. However, I couldn't find a way to calculate force constants from Gaussian for angles. In GAFF2 for $\ce{H2O}$, the values are
hw-ow-hw 43.276 104.520 AMBER 1 TIP3P_water
I searched and I found a lot of answer like this, but in this answer, for the Seminario approach I do not know what value to put in the matrix equation. Could you provide an example on a Gaussian log file?