Why does gold react with cyanide and sodium hydroxide and what is the chemical reaction's impact on gold's atomic structure and bonding?
What I think is since in the 'flotation' process, when the water, chemicals and other substances are added, gold isn't affected and neither is the pyrite, but when the cyanide and caustic acid is mixed with the slurry, it separated both substances, then the oxygen or 'air' is added into the mix, so then the gold rises to the top and frothing over the slurry. I'm not sure if i'm correct, but I don't understand how it's related to the atomic structure and bonding of gold? This process is from (Super Pit - Kalgoorlie exploration mine)
Can someone please explain how the separation of gold from the mixed compounds is related to its atomic structure and bonding? Is it to do with the 'Elution' process? Thank you in advance!