I am helping clean out my lab and there is some glassware that I can't identify. Attached are the photos:
Thank you!
Ok. Finally found some time to look up references.
The first piece of glassware is a bubbler. See: https://www.chemglass.com/product_view.asp?pnr=AF-0513
You use this to help keep positive pressure in your inert atmosphere system. You need to fill it with mineral oil or mercury and you can vent your sealed system though this. This allows you to keep piping in say nitrogen or argon and keep positive pressure without blowing anything up.
The second piece of glassware is a fritted filter used for inert atmosphere chemistry. See: https://www.chemglass.com/product_view.asp?pnr=AF-0540
The side arm allows you to equilize the pressure between the two sides (otherwise the liquid may not flow from top to bottom). There are ground glass joints on both ends so that you can create a sealed system free from water or oxygen.