I've looked at a number of different colloidal/ionic "silver solution generators." After my research I'm under a few impressions and if they're wrong please let me know.
I also am wondering what the product is that one generator sells to add to the ionic silver to create colloidal silver and is it safe to ingest? I've already seen enough information to believe that ionic silver is safe. I'm wondering if the additive that turns ionic silver into colloidal silver is safe.
When you set up a silver generator, either homemade or store bought, you send a current through two pieces of silver in distilled water. The particles released into the water are ONLY ionic silver.
Will colloidal silver form over time? Will ionic silver precipitate or remain suspended?
I could easily build a machine to do this rather than buy one from a dealer that seems to withhold info to either prevent comparisons or to prevent laymen from building their own. I'm looking for any and all comments related to this topic. Thanks
To reply to GM's answer: I hesitate to put up pictures or links to the commercial generators since I'm not sure if that would violate the TOU and I have no interest in advertising for anyone. I imagine if the commercial generators, which work on same principal as the home made ones, didn't generate at least ionic silver they'd have some explaining (lawsuits) to do to someone and they've been on the market for years.