Higher $\mathrm{RON}$ seems possible. Yet the boiling point rises accordingly while heat of combustion remains roughly the same. Here are two compounds that fit all posed criteria.
\mathbf{Molecule} & \mathrm{mp\ \mathrm{(^\circ C)}} & \mathrm{bp\ \mathrm{(^\circ C)}} & \Delta_\mathrm cH_\mathrm m^\circ\ (\mathrm{kJ/mol}) \ \text{@}25\ ^\circ \mathrm{C} & \mathrm{RON} & \mathrm{MON}\\
\ce{1,3,5-TMB^{[a]}} & -44.7^{[1]} & 164.65(15)^{[1]} & -5193.1(1.3)^{[2]} & 137^{[3]} & 124^{[3]} \\
\ce{2,2,3,3-TMH^{[b]}} & -54^{[4]} & 160^{[5]} & -5405^{[6]} & 112.8^{[3]} & 92.4^{[3]} \\
[a] 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, [b] 2,2,3,3-tetramethylhexane
Theoretical predictions of $\mathrm{RON}$
Tareq A. Albahri$^{[7]}$ summarises in his paper the usage of statistics $\mathrm{RON}$ and $\mathrm{MON}$.
The research octane number $\mathrm{RON}$, which is representative of the fuel performance during low-speed city driving, is more often reported in the literature than the motor octane number $\mathrm{MON}$, which is representative of the fuel performance during high-speed highway driving.$^{[7]}$
Theoretical intercalculation between the two characteristics is possible.$^{[7]}$ This work was done by Jenkins$^{[8]}$. First predictions of $\mathrm{RON}$ itself were and are still largely empirical$^{[7]}$. These models use regression techniques to assign effective octane numbers to various organic groups. Albahri examplifies the procedure via Anderson, Sharkey, and Walsh$^{[7]\ [9]}$.
Anderson et al.,$^{[9]}$ for example, developed an empirical model for calculating the RON based on chromatographic analysis of gasoline.$^{[7]}$
In their model, the gasoline is divided into 31 hydrocarbon groups or pseudocomponents, all of which are assigned an “effective” octane number that is estimated by regression of experimental data. The octane number of gasoline is calculated by adding the contribution of octane number[s] from each group.$^{[7]}$
Many similar methods include those proposed by Van Leeuwen et al.$^{[10]}$, Sasano$^{[11]}$, and Lugo et al$^{[12]}$, Ramadhan and Al-Hyali$^{[13]\ [14]}$, Nelson$^{[15]}$, Baird$^{[16]}$, Twu and Coon$^{[17]\ [18]}$, Rusin et al.$^{[19]}$, Habib$^{[20]}$, Cotterman and Plunkee$^{[21]}.$ Some of these fail to differentiate between isomers, or are valid in specific mixtures.$^{[7]}$ Additionally,
Although these techniques [by Van Leeuwen et al$^{[10]}$, Sasano$^{[11]}$, and Lugo et al$^{[12]}$] give reasonably accurate results, they are usually too time consuming for planning studies and often the compositional data are not available.$^{[7]}$
- Tareq A. Albahri's method of SGC (structural group contribution)
After considerable testing, Albahri found that the best equation to take into account contributions of different groups is$^{[7]}$
\mathrm{ON} &=
f\left(\sum_{i}\mathrm{\left(ON\right)_i}\right)^{-1}+ a + b\left(\sum_{i}\mathrm{\left(ON\right)_i}\right) \\
&\quad + c\left(\sum_{i}\mathrm{\left(ON\right)_i}\right)^2 + d\left(\sum_{i}\mathrm{\left(ON\right)_i}\right)^3 + e\left(\sum_{i}\mathrm{\left(ON\right)_i}\right)^4
where $\mathrm{ON}$ is either $\mathrm{RON}$ or $\mathrm{MON}$, and $\left(ON\right)_i$ is the contribution from the $i$th group. Note how the powers increase from left to right.
The coefficients still have experimental basis.$^{[7]}$ This equation is a modified version of what Albahri put forward a year earlier.$^{[22]}$ For many compounds the difference between the estimate and experimatal data is just $5$.$^{[7]}$ If the $\left(ON\right)_i$ are known, one only needs the knowledge of the structure of the molecule to apply Albahri's method.
I suggest reading both papers by Albahri since they include tables of data and an example calculation.
Here is a selection of $\left(ON\right)_i$ values.$^{[22]}$
- QSPR Model for octane number prediction
In a research article by Al-Fahemi, Albis, Gad, a quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) is performed. This includes establishing a correlation relation between $\mathrm{ON}$ and various physical parameters.$^{[23]}$ Again the model is based upon regression rather than derivation from first principles.
\mathrm{ON} =
& - (193.53 \pm 319.19) + (1.47 \pm 1.01)M\\
& - (53.06 \pm 31.47)E_H - (8.67 \pm 2.73)B_P\\
& - (24.94 \pm 19.44)M_R - (50.52 \pm 26.92)\log P\\
& + (4.33 \pm 3.09)C_P + (3.72 \pm 2.04)C_V + (5.17 \pm 2.08)C_T\\
- $M$ is molecular mass,
- $E_H$ is hydration energy,
- $B_P$ is boing point,
- $\log P$ $-$ octanol/water distribution coefficient,
- $M_R$ is molar refractivity,
- $C_P$, $C_V$, $C_T$ is the critical point (pressure, volume and temperature, respectively).$^{[23]}$
There is no model to date that estimates or derives a result for $\mathrm{ON}$ from first principles. Different models depend more or less on multiparameter regression analysis and experimental data. Nevertheless, the methods of Albahri and others have predictive capability. Often the difference beteen estimated and experimental octane numbers is less than $5$.
Or as Albahri mentions,
Octane number is one of the most difficult properties to estimate or correlate because of its complex dependency on the molecular structure of the compound.$^{[7]}$
An estimation technique of the octane rating of pure hydrocarbons, though essential, is nonexistent.$^{[7]}$
So for your second question, I suggest applying Albahri's method because
- widest applicability among hydrocarbons,
- relatively easy to use,
- few $\mathrm{RON}$s are known from experiments,
- Al-Fahemi et al.'s procedure requires many parameters which will be a pain to track down (if known at all).
Qualitative considerations$^{[3]\ [7]}$
shorter alkane chain $\ce{->}$ higher $\mathrm{ON}$ (but higher volatility)
branching of alkane $\ce{->}$ higher $\mathrm{ON}$
aromaticity in hydrocarbon $\ce{->}$ higher $\mathrm{ON}$ (but tends to burn sooty with carcinogenic byproducts)
effects on $\mathrm{RON}$ and $\mathrm{MON}$ can be very different
Arithmetic average of $\mathrm{RON}$ and $\mathrm{MON}$ $-$ anti-knock index or $\mathrm{AKI}$ $-$ is also used.
$$\mathrm{AKI} = \frac{\mathrm{RON} + \mathrm{MON}}{2}$$
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