Why is cyclopropane planar?
This is like asking why $\ce{HCl}$ is linear–just as two points define a line, three points define a plane. There isn't any way to orient the three methylene groups in space that they aren't coplanar.
Torsional strain in cyclopropane is also significant for this reason (the molecule has a $\mathrm{C_3}$ axis through the center of the ring, meaning every hydrogen is overlapping). Any reduction in torsional strain, however, decreases the already weak carbon-carbon $\ce{sp^3}$ orbital overlap. Though the $\ce{C-C-C}$ bond angles are $60º$, the orbitals are still oriented roughly $109.5º$ from one another, resulting in very weak and highly strained banana bonds.
Why is cyclobutane nonplanar?
Cyclobutane has one additional methylene, and can reduce its torsional strain by orienting one methylene out of the plane of the other three.
This is in part possible due to the much greater carbon-carbon $\ce{sp^3}$ orbital overlap.