I hope this is not a "homework" question, but I'm having a bad time trying to figure this out. Available literature proposes 3 equations to calculate the coupling constant during a Broken-Symmetry approach:
\begin{align*} J(1) = \frac{-\left ( E_{HS}-E_{BS} \right )}{S_{max}^{2}} \\ J(2) = \frac{-\left ( E_{HS}-E_{BS} \right )}{S_{max}\left ( S_{max}+1 \right )} \\ J(3) = \frac{-\left ( E_{HS}-E_{BS} \right )}{\left \langle S_{HS}^{2} \right \rangle-\left \langle S_{BS}^{2} \right \rangle} \end{align*}
I'm intrigued by the fact that, from the equations, the more the system have unpaired electrons, the minor will be $J_{ab}$. Why does this happen? Doesn't more unpaired electrons increase magnetic momenta (and an increase in magnetic coupling))?