The internal energy $U$ is a state function that can be expressed as a function of temperature $T$, pressure $p$, and amount of substance $n$:
The change in internal energy $\Delta U$ is independent of the path by which the new state was reached. Hence, you do not necessarily have to calculate the exchanged heat $Q$ and the work $W$ done during a particular process.
The ideal gas gives simpler equations. According to Joule’s second law, the internal energy $U$ of an ideal gas depends only on the amount of gas and the temperature, and is independent of the volume or the pressure:
For a monoatomic ideal gas (i.e. a model system of point-mass molecules) we find that the internal energy is proportional to the temperature $T$ and number of molecules $N$ or amount of substance $n$:
where $k$ is the Boltzmann constant and $R$ is the molar gas constant.
Since you know the temperatures $T_1$ and $T_2$, and since the amount of substance is constant $(n_1=n_2)$, you should be able to calculate the change in internal energy $\Delta U=U_2-U_1$.
Note, if you don’t know the number of molecules $N$ or amount of substance $n$, you may express the result as molar internal energy $U_\mathrm m$ (i.e. in $\mathrm{J/mol}$):
$$U_\mathrm m=\frac Un$$