Normally when we talk about a single covalent bond, we are referring to a 2-centre 2-electron bond, which means that there are two electrons holding two atoms together.
Carbon never forms 5 bonds. The only exception that I know of is the $\ce{CH5+}$ methanium cation, the bonding in which can be explained by a 3-centre-2-electron bond. The same kind of bond appears in diborane ($\ce{B2H6}$). In both cases, the octet rule (or duplet rule in the case of the bridging hydrogens in diborane) is not violated. It is just that those 2 electrons are shared amongst 3 different atoms, so each "bond" is effectively half a bond (in MO theory parlance we say that the bond order is 0.5). You could think of it as three of the C-H bonds being normal 2-electron bonds, and two of the C-H bonds being half-bonds (having one electron each). The total number of electrons around carbon is therefore $3 \times 2 + 1 + 1 = 8$.
The neutral species $\ce{CH5}$ does not exist, because it has one more electron than the $\ce{CH5+}$ cation. That would mean that you either have to put 9 electrons around carbon, or put 3 electrons around hydrogen, both of which are of course not allowed.
The hydronium ion $\ce{H3O+}$ is not actually hypervalent. It is similar to the ammonium ion $\ce{NH4+}$ in that a dative bond is formed from the lone pair on O to a $\ce{H+}$ ion.