The answer, in principal, is not. But, based on your info, the correct structure is not so easy to determine and the reason is, as Martin states, there is no info related the positions of the functional groups (This is to say the Iodine and the phenyl). However and taken literally the structure name you shared, the structures are:
The structure of the named compound Ethyl 1-( [# ?]-Iodophenyl)-undecylenate is:
The structure of the named compound Ethyl 10-Iodo-phenyl-undecanoate is:
But most probably is Ethyl 10-( [# ?]-Iodophenyl)-undecanoate (Similar as Martin presented):
Related to the second part of the question about their activity into CSF is hard to say based on the incomplete info to determine their respective influence. May be is more easy to look at any vademecum for a more generally medicine.