Light has both oscillating electric and magnetic fields. In the common UV-Visible-IR spectroscopy experiments it is the interaction of the molecule with the electric field that is being observed. A molecule is very small compared to the size of a beam of light, so it is fair to view the molecule as being immersed in or surrounded by the light. In other words, it is fair to view the molecule as being immersed in a uniform electric field.
The strength of the interaction ($I_s$) of the light's electric field ($E$) with the molecule is dependent upon both the strength of the light's electric field and the vector description of the molecule's electric field. The molecule's electric field is described by the spatial arrangement of the molecule's electrons. The spatial arrangement of the molecule's electrons is described by the dipole moment ($\mu$), a vector sum. Hence,
$$I_s = E \cdot \mu $$
The absorption intensity of a spectral transition (the area under the absorption curve - usually it correlates with the peak height) is given by the same equation except that rather than use the molecular dipole moment $\mu$, one uses what is called the transition dipole moment. Rather than consider the ground state distribution of electrons around the molecule, one must use the rearranged distribution of electrons around the molecule that occurs when the molecule absorbs light.
If the transition dipole moment is always similar to the ground state dipole moment, then what the video says is correct. This may be true for larger molecules when we are looking at an absorption that excites a $\ce{C-H}$ or $\ce{C-C}$ bond, or something similar. In such cases, the small perturbation in electron density around the specific bond probably doesn't radically change the overall electron distribution around the entire molecule. In smaller molecules like $\ce{CO}$ it seems possible to me that light absorption could make a significant change to the overall electron distribution and that consequently the ground state dipole moment might differ substantially from the transition dipole moment.