I was reading about the integrated rate law. However I have problems to follow the solution. I have an equilibrium reaction:
$$\ce{A + B<=>[{k_{on}}][{k_{off}}]AB}$$
with forward and back reaction. I approximate the measurement to a pseudo first order reaction. The complex can be measured. B can be calculated:
Therefore the equilibrium is
$$0 = k_\mathrm{on} \cdot [\ce{A_0}] \cdot ([\ce{B_0}]-[\ce{AB}])-k_\mathrm{off} \cdot [\ce{AB}]$$
which can be expressed also like this:
$$0 = k_\mathrm{on} \cdot \ce{[A_0]} \cdot \ce{[B_0]} - (k_\mathrm{on} \cdot A_0 - k_\mathrm{off})F$$
To solve the differential equation I simplified to this: \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}F(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= c_1 - c_2 \cdot F(t)\\ c_1 &= k_\mathrm{on} \cdot A_0 \cdot B_0\\ c_2 &= k_\mathrm{on} \cdot A_0 - k_\mathrm{off}\\ \end{align}
So far the theory was easy and I am sure everything is correct, but now I am stuck. The solution of this differential equation would be straightforward:
$$F(t) = \frac{c_1}{c_2}+k\cdot \mathrm{e}^{-(c_2\cdot t)}$$
However, the solution to fit and simulate the kinetic should be (in the simplified writing). This equation is published in http://afm1.pharm.utah.edu/pnscourse/Anal_Biochem_1995.pdf.
$$F(t) = \frac{c_1\cdot (1-\mathrm{e}^{-(c_2\cdot t)})}{c_2}$$
I really would like to know, where is my mistake and how the derivations of this formula has to be.
k_off )F instead. $\endgroup$