I found the following reaction for formation of magnesium pyrophosphate:
$$\ce{H2PO4 + Mg^2+ + NH4 -> Mg(NH4)PO4.6H2O ->[\Delta] Mg2P2O7},$$
but its stoichiometry looks incorrect, as well as some products are missing, which I assume are $\ce{NH4+}$ and $\ce{H2O},$ which the texts do not mention.
Other formation reactions are completely different than this one. Can someone please explain whether this reaction is completely incorrect, or there are only few inaccuracies?
Edits:- I am more confused about the reaction
$\ce{H₂PO₄+ Mg^2+ + NH₄^+ -> Mg(NH)₄PO₄.6H₂O}$
Is this reaction correct or not and why?
In some texts and online sources,(not so authentic) I also got the reaction to be
$\ce{NaH₂PO₄+ Mg^2+ + NH₄^+ -> Mg(NH)₄PO₄.6H₂O}$
And in some,
$\ce{MgH₂PO₄+ Mg^2+ + NH₄^+ -> Mg(NH)₄PO₄.6H₂O}$
Please let me know.