
Is there a symbol or representation for tolyl groups as there is for the phenyl group?

Phenyl group is often represented by "Ph" when for a matter of space you can not draw the entire benzene group. Is there any accepted or extended representation for a tolyl group?


2 Answers 2


Yes there is Tol if I presume you refer to p-tolyl. See for instance page 16 of the author guidelines (revision December 2014) of the Encyclopedia of Organic Reagents initiated by Leo Paquette.

On occasion o-Tol about the ortho isomer, for instance $\ce{P(o-tol)3}$ for tris(o-tolyl)phosphine ligand (or as $\ce{P(o-Tol)3}$), too) though this arguably appears more often in figure / table captions to shorten line formulae, than in structure formulae. And $\ce{P(m-Tol)3}$ as an example with the meta isomer. However outside catalysis I wouldn't consider them as usual as (Ph, Bn, Bz; Tf, Ts, TsO, etc.)

enter image description here

(Clayden, Greeves, Warren Organic Chemistry, Oxford University press, 2nd edition 2012, ISBN 978-0-19-927029-3, p. 1080).


Use tol as abbreviation for tolyl group.

Ref.: https://www.axeleratio.com/ip/ligands/abbrev/IndexGrpLigAbbrev.htm


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