I'm writing a small little tool (something like an interactive periodic table) and I wanted a good "guesstimate" of the danger of certain elements, to visualize across said table.
I could go and guess by manually looking up the physical / chemical / health / other effects of every element, but that would take an obscene amount of time and effort, not to mention it wouldn't be very accurate / precise.
My question is, is there a standard or "list" recognized internationally as a good scale of the danger of certain elements?
I know of the NFPA 704 Hazard Classification diamond, and while that would be perfect for my use, it doesn't classify every element, mainly just chemical compounds + a few noteworthy elements.
For example, I could find an NFPA 704 for just about every major compound of arsenic, but not pure arsenic (the element), which would be a pretty obviously dangerous element.