I am going through Applications of Group Theory to the Physics of Solids by M. S. Dresselhaus.
In chapter 4 he states
This is with respect to the P(3) group.
I understand basis functions must transform like the given representation e.g for the identity representation $\Gamma_1$ all operators leave any unit function unchanged hence you could use any of $x,y,z,z^2$ separately as basis functions because they are left unchanged in this representation.
For a 2D representation $\Gamma_2$ often functions like $(xz,yz)$ and $(xy,x^2-y^2)$ are also stated as basis functions. Why not simply use $(x,y)$ for the 2D case?
Do we list all other basic functions in character tables for completeness? Or is it because in certain cases basis functions like $(xy,x^2-y^2)$ may be more useful than $(x,y)$ [I am thinking that the former basis function has the symmetry of a d orbital according to Harris and Bertolucci hence it may be more useful to consider in the context of looking at atoms/molecules]