I really like electrolysis. Today I bought 30% sulphuric acid to electroplate something with pieces of copper.
I've poured half water and half acid in a glass. I connected some cuprextit-copper plate to the anode and outdated aluminium coin to the cathode.
After starting the process, I could see that nothing is appearing on the cathode. I scratched the aluminium of the oxides. After repeating the electrolysis, aluminium turned black wherever scratched. Then I found out I swapped the wires.
So, once I had the wires correct, this happened to my cathode:
The dust can be easily washed off.
According to the image from wikipedia, any metal should be "electroplateable". I actually thought that any conductor that doesn't react with the solution can be electroplated.
So what's the reality? Was I just impatient? Is electroplating only limited to some conductors? What about non metal ones? Can I electroplate carbon electrode?