I have a question about reaction between aniline and $\ce{FeCl3}$. I supposed that the following reaction proceeds with formation of brown precipitate:
$$\ce{3C6H5NH2 + FeCl3 + 3H2O -> \underset{brown ppt.}{Fe(OH)3} \downarrow + 3C6H5NH3^+Cl^-}$$
But if we firstly acidify the solution, it’s colorless:
$$\ce{C6H5NH2 + HCl -> C6H5NH3^+Cl^-}$$
If we then add $\ce{FeCl3}$, solution gives pale green color. What substance determines the color if anilinium chloride is colorless?
Here’s the video of experiment. After addition of aqueous solution of $\ce{FeCl3}$ to aniline, there’s no formation of precipitate ($\ce{Fe(OH)3}$ or polymer), only color changes.
Also in book Practical Organic Chemistry for biology students, there’s the following information: o-toludine in such reaction gives green color, p-toludine gives brown color, α-Naphthyl amine gives green ppt.