Michaelis-Menten kinetics is given by the equation:
$$V = V_\mathrm{max}\frac{S}{K_M+S} \tag1$$
Where $V_\mathrm{max} = k_\mathrm{cat}\cdot [\ce{E_T}]$ and $K_M = \dfrac{k_\mathrm{on} + k_\mathrm{cat}}{k_\mathrm{off}}$ (using the conventional description of Briggs and Haldane's derivation of the Michaelis-Menten equation; Ref.1):
$$\ce{E + S <=>[$k_\mathrm{on}$][$k_\mathrm{off}$] [ES] ->[$k_\mathrm{cat}$] E + P} \tag2$$
The derivation of the equation has taken a few assumption. Accordingly, as a rule of thumb, the enzyme kinetics follow Michaelis-Menten equation if $K_M \gt 5 \times [\ce{E_{T}}]$. Since calculated $K_M$ is $\pu{0.939 mM}$ (see Vinícius Godim's answer elsewhere) and $[\ce{E_{T}}]$ of the first kinetics is $\pu{15.0 nM}$, this requirement is satisfied.
However, OP's confusion is how to calculate the $[\ce{E_{T}}]$ of the second kinetics using the same enzyme and substrate in different set. OP didn't aware about the following fact of the enzyme kinetics: If you have used same enzyme and substrate under similar conditions (temperature, etc.) the second time, the constants $K_M, k_\mathrm{on}, k_\mathrm{off}$, and $k_\mathrm{cat}$ you found in the first time are going to be the same.
Thus, for second kinetics, $K_M = \pu{0.939 mM}$ and $k_\mathrm{cat} = \dfrac{V_\mathrm{max-1}}{[\ce{E_{T1}}]} = \dfrac{\pu{2.10 mM s-1}}{\pu{15.0 \times 10^{-6} mM}} = \pu{1.40 \times 10^{5} s-1}$.
Therefore, since it has been calculated that $V_\mathrm{max-2} = \pu{0.141 mM s-1}$ (see Vinícius Godim's answer elsewhere), $[\ce{E_{T2}}]$ can be calculated as follows:
$$V_\mathrm{max-2} = k_\mathrm{cat}[\ce{E_{T2}}] \ \Rightarrow \ [\ce{E_{T2}}] = \frac{V_\mathrm{max-2}}{k_\mathrm{cat}} = \frac{\pu{0.141 mM s-1}}{\pu{1.40 \times 10^{5} s-1}} = \pu{1.01 \times 10^{-6} mM}\\ = \pu{1.01 nM}$$
Late edit:
I think it is beneficial to show how to find $K_M$ and $V_\mathrm{max}$ from the given set of kinetic data. The method is called Lineweaver–Burk plot, which is a plot of $\dfrac{1}{[\ce{S}]}$ versus $\dfrac{1}{V}$:
Since the equation of the plot is:
$$\frac{1}{[V]} = \frac{K_M}{V_\mathrm{max}}\cdot \frac{1}{[\ce{S}]} + \frac{1}{V_\mathrm{max}}$$
which is a straight-line equation ($y = mx + c = 4.4754x + 0.4767$). Thus, positive intercept is equal to $\dfrac{1}{V_\mathrm{max}}$, which is $0.4767$, and slope is equal to $\dfrac{K_M}{V_\mathrm{max}}$, which is $4.4754$. When resolve you would find, $K_M = \pu{9.39 mM}$ and $V_\mathrm{max} = \pu{2.10 mM s-1}$.
- George Edward Briggs and John Burdon Sanderson Haldane, "A Note on the Kinetics of Enzyme Action," Biochem. J. 1925, 19(2), 338-339 (DOI: 10.1042/bj0190338).