I am using a hypothetical case to explain my question
Let us consider a chemical analysis method A (using a certain instrument), which is used to quantify the value of a particular species b. According the instrument manufacturer's notes, the instrument used needs to be calibrated once a month. I am analyzing several samples of b in the duration of a month, and using the same calibration curve to obtain the quantity of b along with the uncertainty bound for the value.
I want to understand the following,
- If number of samples (over the period of a month) of b are using the same calibration curve to quantify it value, are their errors/uncertainties correlated (by any means, the calibration curve introduces it, however small it may be) ?
- Additionally, method A has the ability to quantify several species (b, c, d,$\dots $), does errors/uncertainty of species from the same sample (containing different species like b, c,$\dots$) correlated in any way?
- If there exists even a very small correlation, does it make sense to consider it for any further analysis?
I am new to the realm of chemistry (analytical chemistry to be precise), I request your help.
Thank you.
PS: Apologies if the tags are inaccurate