The paper Frozen Virtual Natural Orbitals for Coupled-Cluster Linear-Response Theory gives the following (simplified) description of frozen natural orbitals (FNOs).
In the MP2 method, the unrelaxed one-electron density matrix can be written in terms of spin orbitals
where $|\Psi^{1}\rangle$ is the first-order correction to the Hartree-Fock wavefunction. In the MP2 based NO method, the virtual-virtual block is constructed:
$\gamma_{ab}=\frac{1}{2}\sum t_{ij}^{ac}t_{ij}^{bc}$
and then diagonalised:
$\gamma V=nV$
The eigenvectors V are the virtual NOs, and the eigenvalues n are the associated occupation numbers.
If the eigenvalues are found from a virtual-virtual (unoccupied-unoccupied) block, how can there be an associated occupation number?