What happens when a Ketone say $$RCOCH3$$ on reaction with grignard reagant in presence of X2 (halogen) what happens?? Can someone please explain
1 Answer
Grignard reacts with the elemental halogen. Ketone will be left un-reacted with. If you have insufficient halogen in reactant side then the leftover Grignard will react with the ketone to for the tertiary alcohol to quench all the reactants. However I am enlisting the products Chlorination of Grignard reagents, RMgX, (where X = Br, I) gives considerable quantities of RI and RBr together with RCl. Bromination of RMgI results in RI and RBr. Bromination of RMgCl leads to RBr, and iodination of RMgX (where X =Cl, Br), to RI.