Dimensional analysis is useless. The correct answer is the one already given involving activities, which are dimensionless.
Activities are defined as ratios. For example a pressure activity (there are many kinds) is defined in terms of the ratio of the actual pressure of a gas divided by the reference pressure, often 1 atm or 1 bar.
In the present example, the activity is the ratio of the molality divided by the reference molality of 1 molal. This assumes ideal solutions, which is good enough if the solutions are dilute. If the solution is not ideal one has to correct the molality for nonideality.
Because of these complications, detailed discussions of activities are usually left for a course in physical chemistry.
So while we use square brackets and molarities, we have to understand that we are really dealing with activities.
By the way, the activity of a pure liquid or solid is 1, which is why $[\ce{H2O}]$, for example, is dropped from equilibrium calculations.