In my worksheet there is a question that asks for the comparison of basicities of the three anisidine isomers and aniline:
After my analysis using:
$\text{Basicity} \propto \text{+M effect (except for meta annisidine)} \propto \dfrac{1}{\text{-I effect}}$,
I could make the following conclusions:
- m-anisidine should be the least basic
- p-anisidine should be more basic than aniline.
But the main problem is comparing the basicity of aniline and o-anisidine and comparing them with p-anisidine. I doubt the presence of ortho effect in ortho isomer after seeing the ball and stick model which makes the interaction of lone pair of nitrogen with hydrogen atoms of $\ce{-OCH3}$ improbable.
The answer given is:
p-anisidine> aniline > o-anisidine > m-anisidine (I have verified it with $pKa$ values from PubChem)