Solve for the coefficients $a,b,c,d,e,f,g,$ and $h$.
$\ce{aK4Fe(CN)6 + b Ce(NO3)4 + cKOH -> dCe(OH)3 + eFe(OH)3 + fH2O + gK2CO3 + hKNO3}$
(1) The only Fe on the left is in $\ce{K4Fe(CN)6}$ and on the right in $\ce{Fe(OH)3}$.
Therefore $e$ = $a$
(2) The only Ce on the left is in $\ce{Ce(NO3)4}$ and on the right in $\ce{Fe(OH)3}$.
Therefore $d$ = $b$
(3) The only C on the left is in $\ce{K4Fe(CN)6}$ and on the right in $\ce{K2CO3}$.
Therefore $g$ = $6a$
Rewriting the chemical equation we now have:
$\ce{aK4Fe(CN)6 + b Ce(NO3)4 + cKOH -> bCe(OH)3 + aFe(OH)3 + fH2O + 6aK2CO3 + hKNO3}$
and we're down to 5 variables starting from 8.
I can see that $\ce{2KOH + H2CO3 -> H2O + K2CO3}$. Also the $\ce{OH-}$ in both $\ce{Ce(OH)3}$ and $\ce{Fe(OH)3}$ must have come from $\ce{KOH}$. But none of this really breaks the problem open. So let's slog it out from here...
Looking at K we have $4a + c = 12a + h$ or $c = 8a + h\tag{1}$
Looking at N we have
$6a + 4b = h\tag{2}$
Looking at H we have
$c = 3b + 3a + 2f\tag{3}$
Looking at O we have $12b + c = 3b + 3a + f + 18a +3h$ or
$9b + c = 21a + f +3h\tag{4}$
The fifth restriction is that the the equations above are Diophantine equations and that the GCD of $a,b,c,f$ and $h$ is 1.
Using equation (2) we can eliminate $h$ in equations (1) and (4)
From equation (1) we get $c = 8a + (6a + 4b)$ or $c = 14a + 4b \tag{5}$
From equation (4) $9b + c = 21a + f +3(6a + 4b)$ we get
$c = 39a + 3b + f \tag{6}$
So our set of equations is now:
$c = 3a + 3b + 2f\tag{3}$
$c = 14a + 4b \tag{5}$
$c = 39a + 3b + f \tag{6}$
and the restriction that the GCD of $a,b,c$ and $f$ is 1.
We can now use equation (5) to eliminate $c$.
From equation (3) we get $(14a + 4b) = 3a + 3b + 2f$ or $11a + b = 2f\tag{7}$
From equation (6) we get $(14a + 4b) = 39a + 3b + f$ or $b = 25a + f\tag{8}$
We can now use equation (8) to eliminate $b$.
From equation 7 we have $11a + (25a + f) = 2f$ or $36a = f\tag{9}$
So we only have to worry about $a$ and $f$ having a GCD of 1 and $a=1$ works, so $f=36$.
I'll leave it up to you st solve for the rest of the coefficients.
So this isn't hard, it is just a lot of bookkeeping.