I implemented a restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) calculation in the STO-3G basis set, as described in Szabo and Ostlund's book [1]. I managed to reproduce the energies of all their calculations ($\ce{H_2}$, $\ce{HeH^+}$, $\ce{H_2O}$, $\ce{CO}$, $\ce{CH_4}$ and $\ce{FH}$) with precision. For example, for $\ce{N2}$ I found $$ E_\text{tot}^\text{HM} = -107.49583784393724 \text{ a.u.} $$ while in the book they report the following (p. 192) $$ E_\text{tot}^\text{Szabo} = -107.496 \text{ a.u.} $$ The situation is analogous for all other molecules I tested.
Now I am trying to implement the calculation of forces, in order to perform Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. I will start to compute the gradient of the PES by finite differences (computationally costly but easy to implement). In order to check my implementation I wanted to use Gaussian09 (for the first time!) as a benchmark because we don't find many force calculations on standar books. In order to check that my input file is correct (i.e. the options can reproduce my "dumb" implementation) I performed a single point calculation for the $\ce{N2}$ dimer. Surprisingly I found $$ E_\text{tot}^\text{G09} = -106.765838750 \text{ a.u.} $$ which is quite different from my result. The input file I used is the following:
#P RHF/STO-3G SP Symmetry=None Units=Bohr Pop=None Guess=Core
0 1
N 2.074 0.000 0.000
N 0.000 0.000 0.000
I tested the same structure on the input file for $\ce{H2O}$:
#P RHF/STO-3G SP Symmetry=None Units=Bohr Pop=None Guess=Core
0 1
H +1.4305507125e+00 +0.0000000000e+00 +0.0000000000e+00
H -1.4305507125e+00 +0.0000000000e+00 +0.0000000000e+00
O +0.0000000000e+00 +1.1072513982e+00 +0.0000000000e+00
In this case I find $$ E_\text{tot}^\text{G09} = -74.9629400524 \text{ a.u.} $$ wigh Gaussian09, while with my program I have $$ E_\text{tot}^\text{HM} = -74.962937313769473 \text{ a.u.} = E_\text{tot}^\text{Szabo} $$ For $\ce{H2O}$ everything seems to work fine. In a similar way, I get matching results also for $\ce{CH_4}$, $\ce{FH}$ and $\ce{CO}$.
There is a problem with the $\ce{N2}$ molecule (or simply with the input file) I am not considering?
Which is the best set of options for Gaussian09 that can emulate a home-made Hartree-Fock program (written following closely Szabo's book [1])?
[1] A. Szabo and N. Ostlund, Modern Quantum Chemistry, Dover, 1996.