A methylene ($\ce{=CH_2}$) group ist sterically less hindered than a methyl ($\ce{CH_3}$) group.
I'm wondering if the carbonyl ($\ce{C=O}$) group is sterically more or less larger than a methylene ($\ce{=CH_2}$) group.
- Bond length: ($\ce{C=O}$) is shorter than ($\ce{C=C}$) [1]
- Diaxial i.a.: Me//H is larger than Me//n(O) (0.9 vs. 0.4 kcal/mol; no ref. for the 2nd value)
While the shorter distance makes the carbonyl more sterically, the lone pairs are less sterically than the Hydrogens of methylene. I think this effect is larger and hence a carbonyl to be more sterically hindered than a methylene group.
The A-values gives the energetical difference of a monosubstituted cyclohexane between the conformation in which the substituent is placed axial (1,3-diaxial interactions, hence higher in energy) versus equatorial.
To reformulate above problem of the sizes I have to set following question:
Comparing the axial conformations of vinylcyclohexane and cyclohexancarbaldehyde: Which molecule is more strained?
Why I am interested in above question?
If we don't assume protonation of a ketone's oxygen, I'd like to know if I have to place the carbonyl axial or equatorial when R=Me.
For R=long alkyl chain it makes sense to place R equatorial, but I'm not sure if a methyl group is also bigger than a carbonyl.
Because I think methylene and carbonyl are almost of the same size from above arguments, and I'm knowing that methyl is bigger than methylene, it sounds logical to me to place the methyl equatorial.