Mercury does not react with this compounds. However, I strongly encourage you to
1) use monolithic vial for mercury. 3d-printed pieces are very fragile in my experience. Glass vial should be fine, however I recommend double casing (keep sealed glass vial with mercury in a bigger plastic vial with sulfur dust.)
2) perform all operations with mercury over steel of plastic pan.
3) keep a piece of copper foil/plate and nitric acid at hand. Mercury drops stick to copper, freshly washed in nitric acid, which is used to collect mercury.
4) in case mercury is somewhere you don't have access to, drown it in concentrated iron (III) chloride solution. It will transform metallic mercury into mercury chloride, that does not give vapors.
5) Note, that mercury salts may react with some organic compounds, including aromatics (toluene). While risks are low, organomercury compounds accumulates in living tissues, so caution is required.