While studying graphs and graph Laplacians from "Laplacian eigenvectors of graphs: Perron-Frobenius and Faber-Krahn type theorems.", I encountered a type of graph Laplacians that rise from quantum chemistry. This matrix is consists of off-diagonal elements called resonance integrals and diagonal terms called Coulomb integrals. This is a sparse matrix, meaning that the matrix elements corresponding to non-connected atoms are zero. It is further mentioned that
... the entries of this matrix, H, are tabulated for different atoms and bonds.
I was looking online to find some table that gives this information and write a package to compute this matrix given a SMILES entry. As an alternative, I also looked for an already existing package that provides this matrix. The only thing I found was the implementation of the extended Hückel method in RDKit, which requires molecule conformation as input (apparently, eHM needs atom coordinates).
I was wondering if anyone can point me to such a table or python package or let me know if I'm missing something.